Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Man, how can it already be this close to the end of summer? What happened? Where was I? Who was I? Who were you? Did any of this happen, or was it all some sort of freaked out dreamscape, a vision a butterfly saw while drying its wings? On days like this, I feel like Billy Pilgrim in Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse Five- unhinged in time and all over the map.

Still, there were some really groovy things that happened, are happening, and will be happening.

First and foremost, this Friday at 7:30 at The Western Stage in Salinas, CA there will be a staged reading of the latest version of my new play, RIDDLE LOST presented by 2X4 BASH. I have this really good feeling about the reading- I don't know why, exactly, but I do. And whenever I get a good feeling about one of my plays, something amazing happens. Every time. I don't know if that means I'm psychic, or angels whisper in my ear, or I'm crazy. I only know this it is so. The cast looks amazing from the photos I've seen, the director Skot Davis is a smart guy and we had a a really solid conversation last week. The stage manager Melissa Woodrow is this awesome, positive force who really keeps things moving and I could go on and on and maybe  I will but I must say this: If you are anywhere near Salinas- it's in California just east of Monterey- get your ass to the reading on Friday night.

Here's a link to info about the reading, with more photos and other awesome stuff:

Also, the contract has been signed, and my play BURNING THE OLD MAN is going to have a production in Sao Paolo, Brazil this March. Very excited about this, and will post updates. This will be the second language my play has been translated into- it has been playing in Czech in the Czech Republic for the past 3 years. And this is the fourth continent I'll have been produced on. Weird, cool thing to have people you've never met want to do your stuff. But I could get used to it.

What is funny, in a way, is that this play- by far my most popular to date, has only had one equity showcase production so far in the good old USA. There was a reading at South Carolina Rep earlier this month, so who knows?

As for the summer itself, which is about to go bye bye- it was pretty damn awesome. Moments pop into my head as I think about it. This kid in a production up in Boulder with a gigantic smile on his face during curtain call. The cast of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince rocking out at Slughorn's party to The Beatles singing Me and My Monkey.

Oh, and one more thing- I'm working on a new musical. I won't say anything more at this point. Just a head's up, if you will.

Okay, that's my babble for the day. It may be a bit discombobulated, but so am I. I'll let Raven have the last word.

We tell stories because we are stories.


 Waking up and not sure what to do. Sometimes, oftentimes, I wake up feeling totally unprepared for anything at all. The world seems a mess,...