Monday, February 8, 2021


It's Monday morning, cold as can be here in Denver, like in the teens cold, and I've already taken a long walk, made a post office run, and now am back in the joyously heated house, listening to the first stab at a podcast I am working on with my friend Craig Nobbs tentatively titled DFWTNOM. 

I talk a lot. 

The format we are going for is a back and forth conversation between two friends who are both writers discussing current events, projects, shows we like, and so on. I think it works for our particular personalities, and am excited about where it will go. But as I listen to myself, I am astounded at how much I can go on about things. And how poor a listener I can be. No doubt part of this is due to me wanting to do well, to cover my half of the lifting for the podcast, to come off as someone worth listening to for a half hour or so.

But holy shit, do I go on. 

Part of that is good, I think. I have a rather stream-of-consciousness approach to life, and to conversation, and I think/hope that gives what I say a veracity and specificity. But at the same time, I think maybe I could and should edit myself a bit more. 

So look for DFWTNOM wherever you download podcasts soon.

Also, the Super Bowl kind of sucked.

I think it is so long and so bloated and so desperate to feel like it used to but hasn't in a long time. Each year, the half time show seems to get longer and more convoluted. More determined to be that much bigger than the previous year. Each year, the commercials get a little more obnoxious. Not that there weren't some cool things, some moments that really were entertaining and possibly up lifting. But a lot of it felt tired. 

And I think we have all felt tired enough of late.

Maybe my priorities have just changed from the last year. Maybe I don't really cared as much about the NFL as I used to. Maybe I am hungry for more satisfying material.

I've started watching more movies again. This past week end I watch The Trial of the Chicago 7 and also Ma Rainey's Black Bottom.

Both films were awesome, exciting, thought provoking, emotionally fulfilling, and cool. They fed my soul, and I dug that.

More soul food, less junk food please. More stories that help me interact with the world, less stories that are designed to placate me. 


Here's a song. It's Talk, Talk, by Talk Talk. Enjoy. And don't forget: DFWTNOM.


Songwright said...

The Trial of the Chicago 7 and Ma Rainey's Black Bottom are great movies. Derek DelGaudio's In & Of Itself is not a movie, but a great theatrical magic act which also offers some soul food.

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T3triplethreat said...

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So cold today. In the ones. The weather of late matches the mood of the world. All over the place. In a few days, it'll be in the sixtes...