Friday, March 11, 2022


Writing earlier today. Still wiping the sleep out of my eyes, shaking the cobwebs out of my brain, and looking for solace in a cup of coffee. Well, a cup of espresso as I wait for the water to boil. 

I saw several headlines about inflation yesterday, and how we are all supposed to be angry at someone. about it. Biden. The GOP. Putin.

Now, I do think Putin is a horrible person, and the GOP has really become a strange party that either is run by a bunch of feckless liars, or is crazy and actually believes a lot of bizarre notions. Global warming is fake. Trump won. The world is flat. Ted Cruz.

All sorts of crazy shit.

But I don't blame inflation on any of those folks. And I am not really furious about it. Yeah, I pay bills, and gas prices are up, and groceries cost more. They do. But it always feels to me like the market, that mysterious Market that runs the world, is to blame. And who or what is the market? A small group of aliens living in the middle of Iowa? The Illuminati? I don't think so.

I think the Market is just a bunch of greedy, out of touch people who don't really enjoy living all that much and so try to run the world via corporations. People who, like Grand Moff Tarkin, try to grasp theirs hands around the world, but the tighter they try to hold it, the more of it slips through their fingers.

They are the kind of people who want to control everything. And since they are these sad, lonely, out of touch types, they don't really do anything all that helpful for the planet that often. 

It sure seems that way to me.   

I think, for the betterment of the world, every CEO and world leader, every millionaire and senator and member of parliament, every dictator and royal, should have to direct a children's theatre play. One with like thirty cast members, and one assistant. And they can't use any of their money to hire more people or have someone else actually direct it and then take the credit for it. They have to get down in the trenches and work with the little actors. They have to figure out how to make them memorize lines, go where they are supposed to go in a scene, make each of them feel respected and a part of the show. And a to no peek out from the curtains to make sure their parents are in the audience. 

The main problem with this plan is that a lot of them would probably turn out to be horrible at it, and spend the whole time yelling, trying to get the cast to behave itself. Direction by screaming. I've seen it. I've done it once or twice, but it never works. 

Still, it would be a good start. An attempt to humanize the powers that be. 

Maybe they just need to find love for their fellow human beings, and for themselves. 

I don't think, if someone truly felt love, they would engage in price gouging. Or bomb hospitals. Or storm the Capitol. 

Man, I am such a hippie. 

Maybe, instead of directing a kid's show, they should have to write a blog, every day, first thing.


Here's today's song. It's Stone Cold Crazy by Queen. 

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So cold today. In the ones. The weather of late matches the mood of the world. All over the place. In a few days, it'll be in the sixtes...