Friday, May 13, 2022


It's Friday the 13th. Jason Voorhees is having a party somewhere, a demented back yard grill. No. It would be in the woods, right? At that abandoned summer camp where the naughty go to meet their doom, their retribution for having fun and being young. I wonder, when he's not on one of his rampages, what Jason thinks about? What is his go to playlist? Is he more of a full breakfast kind of guy, or just a piece of toast and an apple as he heads out the door? As I ponder the lifestyle of the undead and demented, I also wonder what did they do during the shutdown? Must have been very hard. Probably caught up on a lot of his Netflix cue. Maybe did a trial of HBO Max or Disney+, reewatched the first season of The Mandalorian.

Where do we put Jason and Freddy Krueger in today's world? What monsters, myths, and legends can speak to us?

I think about these things because I write stories. All the time. And I tend to lean towards the supernatural, magical, and far-fetched. 

That's a good word.


Like, I fetched this idea from a faraway land, a world where all myths are real, anyone can learn to use The Force, and if you get bit by a radioactive spider, you will develop some awesome super powers.

So what crop of gods and monsters is ready for harvest? 

I do believe our ghost stories and legends are in a way documentaries of what is happening in alternate, mirror universes that are tied to this plain of existence by strings.

Thus the question on what will show up in the shadows.

We all seem to be questioning reality, one way or another. Some of us question authority. Others question the status quo. Some question the way things have gone, some the way they think we are going. 

And questions are great.

How we deal with what we perceive to be the answers is usually where we get into trouble.

The world has a lot of angst. Troubles. Anger. Sorrow. Rage.

It also has joy and love and art and music and even more love.

Are they all different reactions to how we take in the world, how we deal with the monstrous questions and mystical answers?

Well, the monsters keep coming. The ghosts and goblins and cannibals and cults and demons and super villain and Sith Lords. 

So do the heroes and chosen ones and magicians and Jedi. 

We are the stories we tell. Let's tell some good ones.

Happy Friday the 13th.

Here's a song. It's Days Like These by Low. Enjoy.

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