Monday, July 29, 2024


Today, I return to Edinburgh to take part in the world's largest theatre festival. In fact, it's the third largest event in the world, with only the Olympics and World Cup being bigger.

Fucking crazy.

These things never seem real, or how you expect them to feel. 

Not like how you see it in the movies.

It's actually better.

Long ago, I'd picture some moment in my life that would change it all. That point where the music would swell, I'd suddenly be at one with the world, and everyone would love me and my family would be healthy and all would be well. 

And I suppose, in one sense, I've had that moment. 

Many times. 

But I still haven't unlocked the secrets of the universe.

I still haven't woken up remembering how to fly like I can in my dreams.

I still can't make it all make sense. 

But I do get to wake up. 

Be alive in this world. 

Get to have nights the the night I met Lisa.

The day I learned my first play got into the New York Fringe.

Opening night of East of Eden. 

Doing a show in Edinburgh Fringe.

I am so lucky.


Off to Denver International Airport.  Long flight. Land Tuesday morning at 11-ish. First tech rehearsal for our Press Launch. Basically, 20 shows get selected to present 2 minutes of their show to the world's theatre press. Places like The Guardian, The Telegraph, BBC, and so on. A huge opportunity to strut our stuff and hopefully entice some critics to come. 

We already have 6 lined up.

No pressure.

I will write more on this, but it is time to fly.


Wish us luck. 

And magic.

And wonder.

If you want to see more about our show and maybe kick in a few bucks towards coffee and haggis, go here:

And here's a travel/love song. It's 500 Miles by The Proclaimers. 

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