Tuesday, January 12, 2021


I'm thinking a lot about how I can talk with people I know who don't think about the traitors in the same way as I do. Friends, family, co-workers. How can we engage in conversation after last week? For that matter, for this past year? These past four years? It's one thing to get in a spat with someone over what's better, Parks & Rec or The Office. Quite another to have a war of polite Facebook posts about comparing BLM to MAGA; the efficacy of wearing masks; defunding the police; tearing children from their parents and throwing them in cages; and my favorite, Satan worshipping cannibals.

Fuck it. 

When I write all those down, it seems clear. A good number of people have been fed a long line of horseshit by liars and thieves, taught to only listen to said liars and thieves, and now these newly zombie-fied former humans have taken to the streets, beat a cop to death with a fire extinguisher, endangered me and you and everyone they come into contact with by parading around maskless and defiant. What, besides reason, they are in defiance of, is not clear.

But the fuckery of it is.

I was going to write a blog about how to try and engage in constructive conversations.

But that time is not now.

Before talking reason, we have to stop dangerous behavior.

If I was on a plane, and some nut job stood up and proclaimed that he was free to open the escape hatch, and if others on the plane then pointed out we would die if he did that, and then he said "you do you, I'll do me", I wouldn't think about how not to hurt his feelings. I would kick him in the balls repeatedly until he was unconscious. 

There are a lot of metaphorical balls that need to get kicked right now.

Covid is real. People are still dying, in great numbers, especially here in the Untied States of Lunacy. Thousands a day. Every day. I want to get back to normal. I want to go to movies and theatre, to sing loudly in public with no mask. But to do that, we have to get through this pandemic first. And we are not through with it until we all get vaccinated.

If you disagree, please pull your head out of your ass now. You are misinformed and endangering yourself and everyone you come into contact with.

The election of over. Biden won. Just because the guy who lost says otherwise doesn't make it so. 

MAGA is bullshit. If you think the traitors who stormed the Capitol and killed a cop with a fire extinguisher had any good reason to do that, you are misled. Or also a traitor. Freedom is not anarchy, even if you are white and stupid. 

Trump is one part huckster, one part fanatic. Or what we call a "Fuckster". 

Also, global warming is real. The earth is round. 

Okay. Had to get that off my chest.

Also, why is it that those who tend to post variations of "Do your own research" really mean "please search the web until you find someone who is as deluded as I am"? 

I am trying to calm down. To figure out how to deal with people I know who voted for Trump and have now been silent about these Traitors.

Until then, I will continue to vent. This could go on for a while. 

I think I might just have to tell the truth and shame the devil. You know, the one we libtards worship while drinking baby blood.

Hail Satan.

Yes, I still believe in peace, love, and understanding. But I also believe in telling the truth, justice, and accountability.

I love you all, even if you are crazy, have sacrificed your morals on the altar of Q, and need help.

I just don't feel like being nice today.

Here's a song. It's Nazi Punks Fuck Off by the Dead Kennedys. Heard it the other day while watching Doom Patrol (which is awesome). 


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