Saturday, January 9, 2021


The hits keep coming, don't they? I am tired from the past few days. Feel like I've watched news non-stop for most of my life now. In the spring, which feels so far away, so not part of this reality anymore, I remember feeling a sense of dread every time I got a notification on my phone. What new horror was happening, I'd think. 

I feel that way again.

I think we are all still processing the events of this past week. Well, of this whole election. Of the past four plus years. There is something wrong going on here in the USA. More so than usual. If this were a Greek play, we'd be in the opening sequence, talking about how the Gods are angry, how there must be blood in the land, and sins to atone for before the bad times depart. 

It feels like the streets are full of Flat Earthers on steroids.

Or being at a party stuck with a slightly drunk fellow party goer who is hell bent on explaining to you their theory about what really happened at the end of Lost, and you just smoked a joint so it feels like every second is about an hour.

Or one of those dreams where you realize you are dreaming but can't make yourself wake up, even though the dream is horrifying.

Choose our poison.

We are being tested, daily. Our values, our thoughts, our hopes, our dreams... our priorities. Do we believe in science? Do we question authority? Do we look beyond the internet for reality? Is our society working properly? Do we really love our neighbors as ourselves? 

Do we have the courage needed to hold to our convictions?

I hope so. 

It just seems like everyone is choosing their path. Some people I know have become even more amazing, loving, kind, thoughtful, and inspiring. Others have gone to the dark side, if what they post online is to be believed. 

And a crowd of angry Americans stormed the capitol, and a few of them beat a man to death with a fire extinguisher. 

That is fucked up and sad.

So. What to do? I am not sure. But I do believe one hundred percent that this is the time to love this earth, this life, our fellow human beings, and all things great and small. This is a time we must listen to music, dance in the streets, smell the roses and the coffee, and celebrate being alive. 

If the world is ending, take it all in before it goes.

I plan on writing in this blog more. It helped me during the early phase of the virus, and it helps me now. If it helps you too, awesome. I will still keep watching the news. I will still get into spats on social media with folks who think differently from me. I will have good days and bad days. 

But I will go on. We all will. 

Glory, hallelujah, nameste.

Here's a song. It's a live version of Fleetwood Mac's Rhiannon.

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