Monday, January 23, 2012


As I've been saying, my play Fenway: Last of the Bohemians has just been published by Indie Theater Now.  It's an American Vanya, set on a fading commune in the mid-1980's.  Among the characters are Big Jon, a self proclaimed "born-again convservative".  Big Jon used to be a minor figure in the counter-cultural movement of the 1960's.  He got into the trouble with the law, and for years lived underground.  Now, he's sold out, become a conservative pundit, and has a new trophy wife, Madison.  Madison is coming to realize that life as a young Republican is not all it's cracked up to be.  Here's a bit of a scene between the two of them late one rainy night:

Isn't it funny that everybody listens to Fenway and his fellow burn outs, but the moment I say a fucking word, everyone goes ballistic? Even if I am an asshole, even if I am a selfish jack-ass, haven't I the right to be one, at my age? Haven't I earned it? I'm seriously asking you, haven't I the right to be respected?

(shudders) It's freezing, I'm shutting the window. (shuts it) Have I ever said you don't deserve respect?

I dedicated my whole fucking life to the pursuit of truth.  (stands up and begins to pace the room, gesturing with his joint for emphasis) I was a freedom rider!  I went to Woodstock, for fuck's sake.  I got arrested with Abbie Hoffman.  That's where I'm coming from- and, while I will never regret my decision to grow up and join the real world - I do find a lot of it tiresome.  No matter what side of the fence you're on, people are still assholes.  That's one of the great truths of life, baby.  People suck.  I want you to know that, because I love you. (takes another hit off his joint) I want it all, you know?  The whole enchilada. I want my book to sell more copies so that we can live a better life! At least in the sixties I was a minor celebrity.  Not that I miss that time- But, God damn, sitting around up here with nobody to talk to sucks ass.  What I'm trying to say is, I'm miserable enough as it is- I don't need you to make me feel worse- you hate me because you think I'm old!

Age has nothing to do with it.  Besides, I'll be an old hag soon enough, and then we can bitch and moan together until we drop dead.

Don't they seem happy?

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So cold today. In the ones. The weather of late matches the mood of the world. All over the place. In a few days, it'll be in the sixtes...