Wednesday, January 11, 2012


So it's over a week into the new year, and I still haven't really made any resolutions.  As Rick Perry would say, oops.  It's not that I don't like resolutions or anything.  I usually make tons of them- this year, I'm going to write 5 new plays; this year, I'm going to exercise every morning; this year, I'm going to write in my journal for half an hour a day; I'm going to read a book a month; I'm going to be nicer to strangers; I'm going to finally remember how to fly like I can in that recurring dream.

There's no end to things I've made resolutions about.  But so far, mark me down for zippo this year.  Maybe it's the whole Mayan calendar end of the world thing.  Maybe it's the onset of a gigantic mid-life crisis, coupled with existential blues and compounded by a dulling of my brain by the constant news reports on the GOP primary.  I don't really know why I haven't made any promises to myself about what I want to do in 2012.  I just haven't.

Well, screw that.

I'm going see more theatre this year, and when I see a show, write about it on this blog promptly.  I saw a fantastic production of A Year with Frog and Toad in December at the Fine Arts Center in Colorado Springs, and didn't write about it.  The cast was uniformly superb, the direction by Scott RC Levy brilliant, and the production values outstanding.  This is the kind of theatre we desperately need more of, and I need to do what ever I can, in my small way, to help promote it.    The next production at the FAC, Sarah Ruhl's In the Next Room, opens February 2.  I can't wait to see it, and to write about it here.

I'm going to finish my first film, Strong Tea.  That's actually a pretty easy resolution to keep, as it is staffed, cast, and funded.  We shoot at the end of the month, and hope to start making the festival rounds in early February.   Should be quite the adventure, and I am sure I'll be writing about that whole experience here as well.

I also resolve to finish my latest movie script, and start on at least one new play.  Why not?

And I resolve to listen to more music, take more walks, and not beat myself up when I forget to do all these wonderful things.  Life is way too short, and if this is indeed the last year of civilization, who has time to recriminate oneself?  Not me.

So, resolutions done.  Now on to work, play, and no dull boy.

Also, if you happen to be in the town of Pardubice in the Czech Republic this week-end, you should go see Putovani S Urnou at Divadlo Exil.  It's a translation of my play Burning the Old Man.  Opening night is sold out, but I think you can get tickets for the second performance.

So, 2012, let's do this thing.

1 comment:

Martin Denton said...

You left out your other resolution, the one you've already completed -- sending in your FENWAY script so we can post it on Indie Theater Now!


So cold today. In the ones. The weather of late matches the mood of the world. All over the place. In a few days, it'll be in the sixtes...