Thursday, March 19, 2020


Yesterday was pretty good. Had my own personal fairy princess guide me through the day, and it was awesome. I've always been fairly certain that my wife is part fairy. She sort of glides through this world, and can make things sparkle just by being near them. She doesn't age. And I am pretty sure she can read minds.
So, yesterday my fairy guide and I drove up to Rocky Mountain National Park, to get away from all that is going on and see some natural beauty. This was a good idea, and I highly recommend, if you can, to go somewhere you can get outside, see beauty, and also do the whole social distancing. Because we can't do world distancing. I think it is essential to experience life as much as we can. Lisa made sandwiches and snacks, I gassed up the car, wiped and cleaned and sanitized everything, and we headed west, up 36. At the town of Lyons, we found the road to Estes Park- the place where the Stanley Hotel of The Shining is located, was closed. But there was a detour, a road we had never taken. We figured what the hell, took that road.
This was the right thing to do. The drive was gorgeous, with stunning views of Mt. Meeker as well as this little stone church that didn't look real it was so pretty. And we were seeing things we had never seen before. As we drove, we listened to music. We had both had enough news. This, too, was the right thing to do. Have you noticed how much more music touches you these days?

At the park, we met a few Magpies. And they had a few things to say to us. And when I say a few I mean a lot. First, as we were driving, there was this one sitting on a branch. Lisa wanted a photo, we stopped. I rolled down my window for the shot, and the bird turned to me and started going off. I swear it was trying to tell me something. Later, we were having our little picnic before our hike, and another one flew up, and also tried to tell us something. Quite urgently. I think it was saying something like "you just have to keep living. Give me some of your food. This too shall pass, but don't be stupid. Just a bit of your bread would be fine. Tell people you love them more. Bread, now. We, the birds, will protect you on your journey. Also, seeds would be good. Peace be with you..."

Later, I got on a Facetime call to set up a game of Dungeons and Dragons. And it was awesome. Not just setting up the game, but spending time with people I love. How quickly has that become precious. They have not played D&D before, and it's been a few years for me, but already I can tell this will be fun. Creating characters, exploring worlds, casting spells- together. Today we figure it all out. 

And then, I read. For an hour or so. That, too, had more magic in it than usual.

Well, I think the magic is always there. I've just seen more of it than usual, because my third, fourth, and fifth eyes have all been pried open by recent events.

Let's see what today brings.

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So cold today. In the ones. The weather of late matches the mood of the world. All over the place. In a few days, it'll be in the sixtes...