Monday, March 16, 2020


Ok. It's been two years since I wrote an entry for this blog. Times change. Holy shit do they change. So, why now? Well, as I'm stuck home, with time on my side and a computer in front of me, I figured what the hell? Also, I have a script to work on, and this puts that off. At least for a bit.  Yes, even in times of virus and madness, procrastination in regards to writing is a thing.
So, I'm just going to write whatever pops into my mind, share it with the world, and see what happens.
Today. Got up, wrote in my journal, made coffee, watched the news. Always fun these days. Got on FB, saw some funny things. And a few folks still in denial. Considered writing nasty comments. Refrained. Called a few friends I should have called years ago, but hadn't until now.
Why does it take the shit hitting the fan for us to reach out to those we love?
Got word my brother-in-law has a fever, and if it goes above 100.5, he has to go in to get tested. Because, why test someone who is sick, has a fever, and spent last week in Vegas? We need more tests. So many more. And I have read WHO offered us some, as did Germany, but we said "no, no, we got this". So much winning.
I don't want to play the blame game, as the talking points call it.
But then again, if the captain of the ship is steering us straight for a fucking ice berg, it's time to relieve him of duty. That's not blaming. That's self preservation.
Somewhere today, I watched the Andrew Cuomo, the Governor of New York, give a speech, and remembered what it's like to have a leader in charge.
Why can't we just put him in the White House? Or Obama?
I'd even take George W. Bush.
Shit, I'd even take George H.W. Bush, in his current state.
e end is a bit of a downer.
Still, I hope there will be a season three.
Tonight, going to listen to new vinyl we got in mail today as part of Vinyl Me Please.
Very awesome.
And yes, I will work on script.
Well, scripts. Top secret musical project, as well as limited series I've been working on forever, working title: American Spirits.
Read some Lovecraft. Because, you know, Corona.
And going to catch up on McMillion$ on HBO.
And call more old friends.
That's it for now.
Here's a video for a song I have been listening to a lot:

1 comment:

Songwright said...

I didn't know there was a Dr. Seuss version of The Call of Cthulhu. I should get that for the next time I teach a first grade class.


So cold today. In the ones. The weather of late matches the mood of the world. All over the place. In a few days, it'll be in the sixtes...