Saturday, August 1, 2020


So I took a month or so off. I don't like doing things when they become rote. Common. The same old thing. An obligation. Not that I don't appreciate a tight schedule, continuity, and sticking to it. I write in my journal at least five days a week, excepting vacations. I breathe every minute. Eat each day. There are things I do on a set basis. But writing in this blog is not one of them. Also, I felt that I needed to stop for a bit. And I listen to my spirit guides. And it felt right. Strange, but right. 

So here I am. Back in it. And the world is still a bit of a madhouse. A 24/7 jukejoint of insanity. Somehow, there are still people who think wearing a mask is bad. Including that weird congressman who is always cranky who got COVID and then opined that he might of gotten it from his mask somehow. Which sounds sort of okay, on a very basic, stupid level, until you think for two seconds. How could a mask be the deciding factor in getting the virus? If you are exposed, and it's on your hands let's say, and then you touch your face, wearing a mask is the only thing between your face and the virus. If you are not wearing a mask, are exposed, and touch your face, you are more likely to get the virus. I am bored reading what I just wrote, but it's still true. We are nothing if not masters of denial here in America. And clearly, we still have a ton of racism. Which makes some of us angry. And sad. And take to the streets. 

It's a time of flux. Of change. Like national, global puberty. Our voice is changing. We feel differently about our fellow human beings, authority figures, and ourselves. Things we thought made sense no longer compute. And our smart phones don't do it for us anymore. We are into long conversations with friends. Staring at the sky in deep thought. Our moods are all over the place. We fight more, laugh more, cry more. We are more. Of everything. We are in collective puberty. Which means sometimes we can be assholes. We will make absurd declarations of love, hate, joy, and sorrow. We will make bizarre fashion choices. And we will not be sure when we are done with it and now "grown up".  

Perfect time for an election. A nation full of hormones and anxiety and bottled up emotions, with not enough voting booths, a seriously underfunded postal service, and a would-be strong man in the White House floating the idea of delaying the election for the clear reason that he knows he is going to lose. Bigly. 

I sometimes wonder what will happen when he doesn't acknowledge his loss. When whatever bullshit they give us for why the election doesn't count is handed to us, what will happen? Which states will leave the union first. For I am certain, were Trump to deny his defeat, which is coming, there will be a second Civil War, fought by a nation dealing with emotional acne and an intense desire to get laid. 

Should be fun. 

In honor of our planetary pubescence, I read Dune for the first time. Fucking awesome. I highly recommend it. 

Here's a song. It's Oh I Wept, by Free, which was featured on a recent episode of DEVS, which I also recommend. Enjoy.

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So cold today. In the ones. The weather of late matches the mood of the world. All over the place. In a few days, it'll be in the sixtes...