Friday, August 28, 2020


And the beat goes on, the band begins to play, the world spins round, the tide comes in and out. On and on in this relentless motion. Events of late, of this year of madness, continue to do their thing. Another police shooting of a black man. Protests. A massive hurricane. More protests. A young man, encouraged by the rhetoric of our current President, drives to protest and kills two people, then walks past police as others scream "he just shot someone." And in that same week, ten thousand more people die from Covid here in the USA. And the RNC had a bunch of people rant and rave and tell us the Dems are socialists, the virus, the same one that kills an average of a thousand people a day, is over. WTF? And now, articles and pundits tell us that we better not let the shootings in Wisconsin play into the GOP's hands. 

How can that be? How can the blatant shooting of a man in the back seven times at point blank range be a good thing for Trump's chances? How can another shooting and killing if two protesters by a teen aged militia Trump supporter be bad for the Dems? What new madness is this? I would think that this would energize people even more. Under Trump, racial injustice seems to have exploded. Worse, he has shown absolutely no leadership skills. Yet again. Indeed, he seems to fan the flames, infuriating both sides, raising the level of violence and discord. 

The proof is right before our eyes, caught on video after video. What do we see, over and over? Shootings. People screaming. Fires. Anger and grief are running through the streets of our souls, and the President doesn't seem to care. If anything, he seems to kind of like it in this perverse "see, I told you so" kind of way, which comes off as wildly inaccurate and shockingly nasty. 

What we need, what we always need, is Love, Truth, and Justice.  And with those will come Peace. 

We have so much to do. All of us. We can't wait for heroes. We have to be heroic. We can't wait for a leader. We have to lead. We have to put our families, our country, our world over our selves. We have to stop killing each other. We have to stop killing the planet. We have to stop deadening our souls. 

We have to grow up. Evolve. Change.

We can and we will. 

If it seems like there is no hope, we will be the hope. If it seems like all the love has evaporated in the heat, we have to be the love. If it seems like the world is blind, deaf, and dumb, we have to be the eyes, ears, and voice that sees and hears the truth and speaks it to the powers that be. 

We must be the glory.

Here's a song. It's a two parter, because it's long. This is the finale from Ken Russell's movie of The Who's Tommy, which I first saw in fourth grade. It's awesome, weird, and I think ultimately uplifting. 

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So cold today. In the ones. The weather of late matches the mood of the world. All over the place. In a few days, it'll be in the sixtes...