Thursday, August 20, 2020


Couldn't sleep much last night. Combination of mind spinning, dog barking, and my back giving me guff. Beyond that, I think there is some crazy energy vibrating across the universe right now. I don't think it is positive or negative in the classic good guy bad guy sense. I think it's just change, movement, worlds turning, dimensions opening, and so forth. Sometimes I think we are like those things in the original Dark 

Crystal movie, where the two different sides of what seems like and epic and very long war merge and become one. Or like when Captain Kirk got teleported and split in two, and then rejoined his two halves at the end of the episode. Or like a butterfly when it's in its chrysalis, morphing in this celestial goo. That's it. We are in some sort of cosmic, transformative goo, and all the unrest, the pandemic, the protests, the fires, are the result. Or maybe the goo is the result of those events. Either way, there is a lot of morphing going on. And lots of the word "or" in this paragraph. 

Had a really weird dream the other night. I was being attacked by owls. I was running up this picturesque hill to this lovely house, like something you'd see in a Lifetime Network movie, when all of a sudden, all these owls attacked. They were shredding with their razor sharp claws, and it did not feel good. So I did what any reasonable person would do. I called Amazon's customer service line. The operator told me the best thing to do would be to stick a needle into my. Cross my heart, hope to die. I didn't think this was a good idea. The owls kept on shredding me. I pulled out a needle, which I just happened to have in my pocket, and weighted my options. Needle in eye, or claws in  body. This was the crux of the dream. 

Like I said. Crazy energy. 

Been watching the DNC. I like it. Some of it is a bit corny. Some of the speakers a bit flat in their delivery. But I don't see any radical ideas. I see a bunch of people who seem to also acknowledge the crazy energy. We are in need of some kind of way to deal with this. Either we harness it, learn how to ride it, or get eaten by it. I like the ride it option. I used to body surf when I was growing up in California. We'd go to Santa Cruz, or Natural Bridges State Park, or Capitola, or some other beach on the Monterey Bay, and swim in those cold waters. And we'd body surf. You swim out, spot a wave, swim in front with just the right timing so that when the wave crests, you are in front of it, and then ride it. It's a wild feeling. Free and insane and joyous. But if you try to go against the wave, it would toss you about like a twig, send you under and over and out of control And you learned just how powerful the ocean is. It feels like a lot of us are trying to work against the Crazy Energy right now. And yes, I have given it capital letters like a proper noun. Why not? We all feel it. This particular time is a being, a thing, a god of old that has risen to perform its function, which seems to be kicking the shit out of all our suppositions. It might have a name, but if it does, I don't think we are allowed to say it. 

I think the tide of this Crazy Energy has come in and out a few times. I do not know when it will move on. All I know is, we all need to swim out into the cold water, spot our wave, and ride it. 

Here's a song. It's Crazy Rhythms, by the Feelies, in honor of our nameless god.

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