Sunday, August 2, 2020


If there is a multi-verse, there is an Earth where Trump never won. Where COVID never happened. Where the original Star Trek never got cancelled. All those realities are out there. And yet, here we are, in the version with all this. I take solace in the connection I feel with those other realities. They send me energy, good vibrations, and hope. Thanks, mirror worlds. 

It still feels strange, doesn't it? The death count. The masks. The maps of where it's bad, where it's not quite so bad, and Antartica. Or have you gotten used to this Wonderland? And now, the election lurches towards November. And thus, the ads. For some reason, on Hulu, we keep getting these ads for Cory Gardner, known moron. One of my favorites, which they have wisely taken down, was of him and his family, all with no masks in site, gearing up their car and talking about how it's all great now and time to head out and mix it up with the people. Which doesn't seem like that good an idea anymore. And I read somewhere today that the Prez has put a temporary hold on his ads as they rethink things. Like maybe how to address his epic failure on every level to be a leader. How to make that a plus is going to be tough. But he's just part of this reality. And he seems to fit in, somehow. Like this is all part of some great, huge thing happening, this change. We are in a cocoon of some sort, spun by Mothra over the whole planet. We are in the process of metamorphosis. Maybe we'll sprout wings. Or antennae. Or our third eyes will open, and we will see things beyond belief, and dances of joy that last for five days. Whatever is happening, we can't force it to go any faster. We can't pop out early, even if we want to so badly. We are as bound to this change as we are to the bizarre proposition of our mortality. 

In this phase of the journey, I am reading again. For the first chunk, I wasn't all that much. Now I read daily. Short stories, novels, poetry. It feeds my soul. Didn't appeal to me in May, now I can't get enough. And no doubt, in another month, I might only listen to the Stones, eat nothing but pizza, and speak exclusively en Francais. C'est la querre. I go where I go. It is what led me to write my latest screenplay at the beginning of this thing. And took Lisa and me to the mountains every week. And inspires me to cook more. It's like being stoned all the time. I find meaning in things that are usually quite mundane. I listen to songs and block out everything else. I have long, rambling conversations, and they fill me with joy. See, when I say it's like being stoned, I mean it in a good way. 

Well, in a bit I will jump of this, jump up and down, jump to the song Jump by Van Halen, Jump Jump Jump. 

Oh. Also. Working on this version of Muse of Fire with some young folks up in Superior. It was the second full length play I ever wrote. And it still doesn't suck. In closing, I would like to quote Carlos from the end of the play: 

Forever and never and life and death are just illusions we make up to help us understand things. We all fade into the ocean of the universe, and we all remain true to our essence. 

Here's a song. It's Feel Flows by the Beach Boys. Enjoy.

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So cold today. In the ones. The weather of late matches the mood of the world. All over the place. In a few days, it'll be in the sixtes...