Thursday, April 23, 2020


I want to write a letter to everyone's soul. I want to ask it how it's been. What's it been doing since this whole thing started? Has it noticed the elasticity of time, how one day can seem infinite and brief at the same time. I want to ask it what it thinks about opening up the country again, even though it is most likely going to mean more people will die than need to. And what thinks of the response, both locally, nationally, and globally. I will of course ask it about Tiger King. Maybe it has made some funny videos. Or written a blog. Does it howl at 8, or applaud at 7. Does it get cranky. Has it used the time to explore its inner workings. And after all the questions that have almost become routine, I want to ask it to please show up more often. Please. All ours souls are in trouble. Big trouble. This is the big moment, the climatic segment of the movie where the hero has to make that decision, take that action which shows us that she or he has changed, has learned from its ordeal, overcome whatever obstacle it was facing, and is now ready to destroy the one ring and save Middle Earth.

Show up, lost souls, wandering the night seeking solace. Show up and remind us who were are supposed to be. Lead us in dances. Give us the right words to say. Point out our mistakes, gently but firmly. Allay our fears, and boost our hope. Dole out love. Lots of it.

Have you noticed how those who speak with love are easier to listen to? Every day, on social media, and tv, and on the streets, I come across people speaking with love. Love for the world, for humanity, and themselves. You can sense it. There seems to be a grounding to them. A purpose. A desire to be part of this whole thing. And there are also those that speak out of fear. And You can feel that too. There is this nervous energy, a sense of dread, and the possibility at any moment of them lashing out, like someone in a corner and pushed to the brink.

Can you speak to that as well, O Souls of the World? It's a simple concept, I know, but we keep forgetting it. Love helps in every situation. Every single one. I can't think of anything where I would be able to say, "You know, things would be better here is we just had a little less love. That's the main problem, really. All this damn love. You know what we need? A little more fear. That would really get us going in the right direction."

When I howl tonight, I will howl for our souls. Loudly. When I play D&D with my friends tonight, I will do it in part to feed my soul. When I teach my classes online today, I will try and let my students instruct my soul on whatever they bring today. There is so much actual soul food out there. It's everywhere. In each act of kindness, each smile at a stranger, each phone call with a loved on. Each time I walk my dog. Each flower. And it's free. This too is nothing new, but somehow we always forget that. The answer to pretty much all our troubles is free. But we forget to stock up on it.

So Souls, go to the metaphysical Costco or Wal-Mart and load up the car with love please.

If we act out of love, we can get through this. We can figure out an economic system that takes care of us all and let's us live the lives we want to live. It will lead us to ideas that can let the planet itself thrive, with clean skies and pure waters. It will give us better music, movies, and books. And we will even tell funnier jokes, the ones that when you think of the next day make you laugh a second time.

Here's a song. It's Message of Love by the Pretenders. Love to you all.

And, here, as a bonus, one of my favorite things:


Songwright said...

I'm thinking of a quote from Hamlet:

"I could be bounded in a nutshell, and count myself a king of infinite space, were it not that I have bad dreams." - Hamlet, II.ii

In my meditations, I have found a place within me that is smaller than a nutshell, or a living cell, or even an atom, in which I am a king of infinite space, even though I've had bad dreams. And from there I can imagine joy flowing to fill empty channels in my being like rivers filling the ocean. I remember lyrics from a song I wrote called "Sunny Fields."

"Someday in Sunny Fields we might just take a little walk
Watching tree leave glow in summer’s light."

And when I finally take a walk to a corner store, the sunlight in the leaves on the trees seem to come from the world of my song. That is my soul's response to the call.

Songwright said...

Here is the song "Sunny Fields" on YouTube.


So cold today. In the ones. The weather of late matches the mood of the world. All over the place. In a few days, it'll be in the sixtes...