Wednesday, April 15, 2020


No dreams to report today. Just walked into a fog bank somewhere in the middle of watching the Great British Baking Show, and arrived here. It happens. And I don't want to bullshit here. Not when over 30,000 people in the USA are dead from Covid. How the hell did that happen? Well, I suppose doing not much of anything on a federal level since it began helps. How many people who knew better, or should have known better but either didn't or didn't care, shrugged it off, said it was no worse than the flu, and poo-pooed the whole thing? And how many of those folks are now saying things like "it's over-reaction", or "we need to go back to work be allowed to play tennis"? I actually read the tennis one on a thread on Facebook. Tennis. I'm hoping the guy was joking, a subtle master of irony, but given the tone of the entire thread, I doubt it. I also have a distant relation who keeps reposting these angry memes going on about how this is the greatest hoax in the history of the world, something the media has perpetrated to bring down Trump. I usually don't respond to his posts, but sometimes, it get to me. None of it makes sense, and I think what is freaking out people, sadly, isn't the death toll, but the election polls. I wonder if there were people in the Middle Ages running around going "This is all a hoax, thought up by heretics to bring down good King John!".

I don't want to dwell too long on it, but I wonder. What is wrong with these people? Are they trying to understand this as best they can, using the tools are most familiar with: prejudice, jingoism, and rage? Do they truly believe a cabal of journalists got together and said, "Well, we've got to get rid of this Trump, who is so great. What can we do? Hmmmm. Got it! A new global pandemic. We'll make the whole thing up, and inflate the numbers of the dead and dying, and get Pelosi and all our fellow evil lefties to really make it sound bad."?

Ok. That's enough of that, for the moment. But don't think I am done. We do have an election coming up, and I don't want anyone, anywhere, in office who didn't do what was right concerning Covid. By right, I don't mean making perfect decisions. I mean not being in denial. Not deferring to a President who is clearly more concerned with image than substance. Not waiting to declare shelter in place.  How many lives could have been saved in we had acted sooner? A thousand? Two thousand? More? Enough. No more nut jobs. No more assholes in office. That's it. That's the slogan for 2020.

No More Assholes.

But enough of that. It's a rabbit hole of acrimony that does me no good. I am all about being engaged, but I'm trying to avoid the noid, keep on the sunny side, and focus on what is possible moving forward.

I've been watching, among other things, BoJack Horseman on Netflix. People had told me how
funny it was, how ground breaking, how smart and insightful and amazing. And I politely smiled and went about my business. But Wow. It's so good. So funny, ground breaking, smart, insightful, and amazing. Last night I watched this episode where the main character goes on this self-destructive binge full of drugs and madness that was both hilarious and heartbreaking, and quite entertaining. I think you always have to have something to keep people entertained, or they will change the channel. Push the boundaries, yes. Ask tough questions, of course. But always keep them leaning in. Then you can do whatever you want. It's like the old quote from George Bernard Shaw, "I open their mouths with laughter, then drop pearls of wisdom down their throat." Which now that I write it down seems a little rapey and weird. And Shaw can be dry as toast sometimes, but I think that has more to do with people doing bad versions of his work.

Ok. I got scripts to write, chores to do, projects to complete, and a world to try and experience as best I can. Gonna try and listen to more music today. Get more reading done. Tell better jokes. Not post memes.

Here's a skit. It's the classic Bring Out Your Dead bit from Monty Python and the Holy Grail, a scene I once re-enacted for my English class in Seventh grade with some of my fellow nerds. It went about as well as you can imagine.


So cold today. In the ones. The weather of late matches the mood of the world. All over the place. In a few days, it'll be in the sixtes...