Tuesday, May 5, 2020


Got sick yesterday. Not Covid. Just some kind of stomach bug. But it was a drag, and there was that moment where you go "is this it?" Very strange times we live in. Very strange. I see these headlines about how over a thousand people die a day in the USA from the virus. How a man was shot dead because he got into it with a woman about wearing a face mask. I try, every day, to see the positive, to embrace life and all its mysteries, but sometimes it is just a bit overwhelming. And we have this strange man in charge. He just seems to completely lack empathy. I don't know why or how he got that way, or if he just projects a terrible image on screen. Maybe in real life he is this life force exuding miracle. Maybe he's been taken over by aliens who are bent on our destruction and they're using him. Maybe he's a zombie. I don't know.

What I do know is that, as the song goes, what the world needs now is love, sweet love. I can't think of a single situation where less love would make things better. And we have it in abundance, and it seems to have vanished at the same time. I walk around and see all these people exuding love and kindness. And I walk around and see all these people closed off and angry.

I think we must celebrate love in this life because of all the awful. I read a post this morning of the old FB, about how we should all be happy and not read sad news. I think we should do both. Read the sad, then dance with wild abandon, to lift your spirits. It's always worked for me. I think, maybe, this is the beginning of a new world, one where our priorities are a little clearer, and the necessity to take care of each other obvious. Change isn't coming, change is here. And it's full of love.

I don't have much more to say today, due to barfing, but please hang in there, spread the love, be the love, find the love, seek the love, grow the love, love the love.

Here's a song. It's What the World Needs Now. It's from the last scene of Bob and Carol and Ted and Alice, this funny and sad movie about people seeking joy in a world gone mad.

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So cold today. In the ones. The weather of late matches the mood of the world. All over the place. In a few days, it'll be in the sixtes...