Wednesday, May 27, 2020


That's what I saw written on the bathroom wall this morning at the grocery store. They get bail outs, we get coffins. First off, I can't remember the last time I saw graffiti on a bathroom wall outside of a bar or nightclub type of place. But there it was, in black Sharpee. And I have to say, it's a pretty damn good bit of phraseology. To the point, balanced, graphic, and immediate. I did not have my cell phone with me as, when we take our morning walk- which can and usually does take an hour or so- we leave our phones at home. It feels great. Freeing. So I will have to bring it tomorrow and take a photo. I hope it's still there. If it isn't, I think I will also take a black Sharpee pen with me and put it back up. Because I think it's true. I think a huge amount of stimulus money has gone to corporations, and a tiny bit has gone to some of the average working folk. Which makes no sense, and I don't think will help us. How many millions of us are now on unemployment? Do you really think giving banks and corporations is going to help them? I thought Trump was supposed to be a populist, there to fight for the little guy. Seems like he prefers fighting for the fat cats. In fact, it seems like he prefers to feed the little guy to the fat cats, one at a time.

Why have less than half of the small businesses who applied for emergency loans getting them? Why has there only been one stimulus check for the average citizen, for a whopping $1,200 per person, while we've all been shut down for months? Why has there been no mortgage/rent relief plan passed? There have been four, count 'em, four bills passed, with a price tag over three trillion dollars. In number, three trillion looks like this: 3,000,000,000,000. That's a lot of money. Of that gigantic amount, here is how much has been allocated to testing: $28,000,000,000. You remember testing?  The thing we need so we can safely reopen without causing a second, third, or fourth wave to come back and force us to shut down again and again and again?

We gave the airlines $58,000,000,000. The airlines. Thirty billion more dollars went to fucking United and Delta and all those other assholes who don't even give us a meal anymore when we fly home on Thanksgiving than went to testing.  How stupid is that?

And did you know that Mitch McConnell and his GOP pals want to pass a law to make businesses not be liable for any employees getting sick when we reopen. So, if you go back to work because $1,200 spread over three months doesn't really cover your bills and you don't want to get evicted because there are no laws to protect you from losing your home due to the virus, your boss will be fine, now worry about losing a damn thing, even if they do not provide a safe environment for to work in. Put another way, they are passing laws to protect your shitty boss, but not to protect you.

Put another way: They get bail outs, we get coffins.

I don't get it. Here is what I want congress to do: First, spend money of treatment and finding a vaccine. As much as it takes. Second, spend money on testing so we can go back to work and not have to worry about getting sick and dying. Third, pass a law to freeze all evictions to the end of the year. Fourth, stop giving money to the super rich and overly powerful dickheads who have been screwing the planet over for many years. Stop it. It's wrong. You know it. We know it. I bet even Trump knows it.

And for the love of God, stop using the great distraction of the virus to lift environmental regulations so those same corporate goons can go back to poisoning our air and water. We all like having clear skies and animals coming back to say hello and being able to see mountains in the distance. The world is beautiful, and that beauty is all or ours. So stop that right now.

We have passed over one hundred thousand dead here in the USA. Don't take my word for any of this. Google it. Look around. Get up and get busy and call your representatives and ask yourself what the hell is going on and what can you do to help make the world a better place. We are a good people, I think. We just have too many greedy folks in charge who care more about money than human beings.

They get bail outs, we get coffins.

Here's a song. It's Buffalo Springfield's For What It's Worth.

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I find meaning everywhere. Not just in books and music and movies and myths, but in moments I witness as I stroll through this world.  Meani...