Thursday, May 7, 2020


Opportunity knocks on our doors, every damn day. It does. Often, it is not the particular opportunity we want, so we ignore it, or misinterpret the knock to be the chiming bells of doom and gloom. The world is in constant motion. Perpetual. Eternal. And even though it seems like we are standing still, we never are. The planet is spinning at about a thousand miles an hour. And while spinning at such a dizzying pace, it is also circling at sun, at about sixty-seven thousand miles an hour. And, of course, our sun at around five hundred and fifteen miles an hour.  We are hauling ass. Every moment of our lives. And yet we act like to pretend that if we do nothing, we are sedentary. I don't think that is so. I think, when we try to not move, the world just moves around us, and where we are, what surrounds us, every aspect of our lives, has changes, whether we ourselves moved or not. And then there's the added bonus of the relentless march of time. So of course opportunity knocks. Opportunity it really just the universe unfolding in front of us, as it always has done and always will do. Right now, the world seems to be offering a chance to help our social stream to move to cleaner waters, to a section of existence where as we all spin and orbit at great velocity we can hold each other tight, spreading love and peace. Yes, I am a hippie. Isn't it strange that espousing love and peace, the two things we all need and want, earns you a moniker like hippie. Yet, if you spend your brief time in the cosmos seeking material things, trying to stave off the inevitable with cars and houses and 401ks, even if it means less time with those you love, then your a pragmatist, a go getter, a mover and a shaker. I find mover and shaker especially ironic, seeing as you can call yourself a mover and a shaker and be neither moving forward on your path nor shaking up the tired tropes of yesterday. None of that. If you want to be a real mover and shaker, go somewhere new, shake up your belief system, see what happens. Take a chance. Embrace the change that is constantly occurring regardless of what you do, and let the universe guide you to your destiny. See what happens.

I think Change is here. Right now. Not down the lane, around the corner, up the street, or any other metaphor. It has happened. And we seem to be reacting to two distinct ways. Some are embracing this time, reflecting on who they are, their own mortality, and seeking clarity in what they value. Others are freaking out. People are shooting each other over requests to wear masks. Old friends are insulting each other over various conspiracy theories on the virus. Some, desperate for life to be like it was, or what they think it was, are willing to lay their brothers and sisters, their mothers and fathers and grandparents on the mythical and non-existent Altar of the Economy, making the greater sacrifice to avoid a lesser sacrifice. This is a sad human trait, and one we should fix. Maybe that's the opportunity knocking. The chance for us all to see clearly our unhealthy fear of change and what it drives us to do. Not that this is new. Nothing new under the Sun, right? There have been saints and poets from time immemorial who have extolled us to love more, fear less. And that advice, to me at this particular time, seems incredibly relevant and accurate.

I think I'm going to try and approach the rest of my life like each day is the first day in a new amusement park. There will be some rides that are amazing, some that will not be worth the wait in line. Most of the food will be overpriced, but I will enjoy what I get because I will be in an amusement park, and when I'm in an amusement park, even the crappiest food is good, because I know that soon I will be on a roller coaster or in a haunted house or laughing with my friends and family. I will spend way too much money. When it's over, I will wish I had more time. And when I sleep, I will sleep deep, like I'm at the bottom of the ocean, and dream dreams that defy explanation. Time are hard. Times are going to get harder. And everyday Opportunity will knock.

Here's a song. It's Daphne, by 1 Giant Leap.

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I find meaning everywhere. Not just in books and music and movies and myths, but in moments I witness as I stroll through this world.  Meani...