Saturday, June 6, 2020


I think I need to change what I do when having conversations with people about the world today. And when I say the world today, I am of course talking about the global pandemic, the looming economic depression, the mass protests, and whatever happens next. I have said, and heard others say, including Bill Maher on his show last night, that if aliens landed tomorrow, it would not be a surprise, but the logical next thing to happen. We were in a neighbor's backyard last night, having a socially distance meal, talking about the world. And for a lot of the time, we all just stated our thoughts, distilled from what we have seen on TV and read online either on news websites, or on social media. Rarely did we speak of what we are seeing ourselves. Which is funny, because those were the best parts of the night, the times when I was learning new things, hearing new perspectives, and evolving as a human being. 

So I am going to try to ask more questions, listen to other people, and pontificate less. Of course, I am sure I will fail at this from time to time. But I really think we are all talking at each other far too much as opposed to talking with each other. So much more fulfilling and interesting and fun. For instance, the next time someone tells me George Soros is behind it all, I'm going to ask them to explain what they mean, and not just roll my eyes and walk away. The next time someone tells me All Live Matter, I'm going to ask them what they mean and how/if they negates the fact that Black Lives Matter. I've gone on at length about the world enough of late. Time for someone else to fill the void with their insights, jokes, and monologues. I will of course still blather. Of that I am sure. I just want and need to hear the voices of other people. 

I wish we had more people in charge who felt the same. 

Do you know what I mean?

Here's a song. It's The Music Must Change by The Who

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So cold today. In the ones. The weather of late matches the mood of the world. All over the place. In a few days, it'll be in the sixtes...